
Winter is the slow season for the real estate market in many parts of the country. With holiday celebrations underway, the school year midway through and harsh weather in northern regions, many buyers and sellers hold off until spring or summer instead. However, making a move during winter is not without its perks. Here are a few of the advantages of buying or selling this season.

Buying advantages

  • Home prices traditionally moderate in winter, making it easier to find a good deal.
  • While fewer homes may be on the market this time of year, sellers are often motivated for strong reasons such as job relocations.
  • The slower pace of the winter market may allow you to take a less hurried approach to your search without the pressure of needing to make a snap decision on fast-selling homes.
  • Although viewing home exteriors is less pleasant where winters are harsh, it will give you a chance to see how well each home holds up under adverse weather.

Selling Advantages

  • While fewer buyers may be out this season, the ones who are in the market are likely to be more serious.
  • With fewer homes on the market, there will be less competition for yours and a better chance that more of the buyers in the market will see it.
  • You can decorate your home for the holidays to help show it off at its festive best.
  • Out-of-town buyers who are looking to move closer to family may be checking out homes while visiting for the holidays.


Whether you’re buying or selling in winter, the biggest advantage is that time is on your side. If you can’t find the right deal for you, the solution may be simply to wait for the arrival of the busier spring season. For a free mortgage consultation and preapproval to prepare for a home purchase, please get in touch today.
